February 19 – Step Down (Luke 5)

Ever been full of yourself. A time when you felt you could do no wrong, you were as good as it could get. Usually, if I ever felt full of myself it wouldn’t be long until God brought me back to reality. The truth is that no matter how good we think we are, we are all sinners. We all have sinned against God. In Luke 5:27-32, the Pharisees and scribes were in disgust that Jesus was eating with tax collectors and sinners. How could He even think about associating with such people, they thought.  Jesus replied that the sick are the ones who need a doctor. We are all sick. We are all in need of the Doctor. We never should think that we are better than anyone else. Throughout Scripture, the Pharisees were the righteous snobs. As Christians we should never consider ourselves any better than any one else. We may come across someone who is living in sin, but just remember we are all sinners. The difference is that we have trusted in the grace of God through Jesus Christ. So instead of thinking highly of ourselves, may we step down off the pedestal and reach out with the love of Jesus. 
