February 22, 2015 – Trust In His Promises (Luke 8)

Have you ever doubted someone? Numerous times in my life I have doubt something a person said to me for various reasons. Humanly, we have issues in trusting others. Mainly, because we are all sinners and we all make mistakes. We have had people abuse our trust. They told us one thing and did something else. We are most familiar with humans who let us down. In Luke 8:22-26, Jesus told His disciples as they got into the boat, “Let us go to the other side.” While they were on their journey a storm came. The Bible says the disciples went to Jesus, woke him up, and proclaimed that they were perishing. But what did Jesus tell them before the storm? As they were getting into the boat He told them that they were going to cross over to the other side. It is so easy to forget God’s promises amidst the storm. Are you trusting in His promises today? God will not let you down. What He promises, He will do. Trust Him.
