February 25, 2015 – Be a Doer of the Word (Luke 11)

As Christians we desire to be blessed by God. We want God’s favor in our lives. So how can we be blessed? In Luke 11, it is recorded that a woman in the crowd proclaimed that Mary (Jesus’ mother) was blessed because she was the mother of Jesus. Jesus responded and said blessed is the one who hears the Word and keeps it. So how are we blessed by God? By hearing, reading, studying, and meditating on His Word. But that is not enough. Jesus took it a step further and said we must be doers of the Word. It is not enough to just hear the Word, we must strive to live it out in our daily lives. Why are we striving to read the Bible daily? So that we can be doers of the Word and be blessed by God. So, do you desire God’s blessing in your life? Be a doer of the Word!
