March 13, 2015 – It’s All About Jesus (John 3)

Children and teenagers struggle with jealousy and rivalry. Even some adults struggle with this issue. It seems humanly we do not want anyone to perform better or receive more accolades than we do. In John 3, someone came to John the Baptist and said everyone is going to Jesus and He is baptizing them. In other words, they are not so much coming to be baptized by John anymore. Notice John the Baptist’s response. In verse 30 he said, “He must increase, I must decrease.” John understood that it was all about Jesus. John was just an instrument to point others to Christ. As Christians we need to be reminded that it is all about Jesus. It is very easy while serving and ministering to others to have a pat-me-on-the-back attitude. We must remember that we serve so Jesus can receive the glory. Boast in Christ! It’s all about Jesus!
