February 23, 2015 – You Feed Them (Luke 9)

“I don’t have enough time for that.” Nearly every human being has said this statement at some point in his or her life. We are busy. We live busy lives. Our kids are involved in everything. We have jobs, families, and extra curricular activities. So anytime someone needs something out of us, we can very easily say, “I don’t have time for that.” The familiar statement has become an escape from ministering to the needs of others. In Luke 9, the disciples had a similar thought. The crowds of people followed Jesus into Bethsaida. Jesus had been ministering to their needs. But night time was coming. It was time for everyone to go home and eat some supper (or dinner, depending on your upbringing) The disciples came to Jesus and told him to send the crowds away so they could feed themselves. Notice how Jesus responded. He told the disciples, “You give them something to eat.” In other words, “Why should we send them away, Disciples, it is time for you to step up and minister to their needs.” How often do we try to escape from ministry when the opportunity arises? We see a homeless person and we immediately think I don’t have time for that. Or a ministry need in our church arises and we think I do enough at church, someone else can do it. Stop escaping from ministry and see it as an opportunity to serve God by serving others. You feed them!
