February 24, 2015 – Focused (Luke 10)

Have you ever been distracted? A distraction leads an individual to lose focus. You are trying to focus on something then something else comes along and causes you to lose your focus. It is easy to be distracted. In Luke 10:38-42, Jesus came to the house of Martha. Martha was honored to have Jesus in her home. She did what any country woman would do, she was hard at work cooking and cleaning. She noticed that her sister Mary was not helping. Instead of helping her sister, Mary was at the feet of Jesus listening to every word He spoke. Martha was not happy about her sister’s lack of work ethic. She approached Jesus and asked how He could approve of her sister’s laziness. Jesus’ response was not what Martha wanted. Jesus told Martha that she was focused on many things, but she had failed to focus on what is necessary. Martha was so busy with housework that she failed to see the importance of being in the presence of Jesus. She was distracted from what was really important. It is easy to get distracted with the little things that we miss what is most important, being in the presence of Jesus. What is your focus today? Do you desire to grow closer to Jesus. Pray and ask God to help you stay focused on Him. Ask Him to take away all distractions. Stay Focused.
